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Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

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Death Investigation and Certification Services

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner provides forensic pathology, forensic investigations, and mortuary services through its Death Investigation and Certification Division.

  • Forensic Pathology – Involves conducting decedent examination and certifying the cause and manner of death.
  • Forensic Investigation – Is responsible for evidence gathering, medical interpretation, and provision of information to aid in the determination of the cause and manner of death.
  • Mortuary Services – The purpose of mortuary services is to provide body disposition and autopsy support to forensic pathology staff and the funeral industry.

Amharic አማርኛ                Chinese 中文

French Français                Korean 한국인

Spanish Español               Vietnamese Tiếng Việt

Authorization to Extend Rights

The Authorization to Extend Rights Form is utilized by the legal Next of Kin to extend their rights to another individual. The Next of Kin must fill out the top portion in its entirety and initial what rights they would like to extend in the section below under “Rights Extended to the above person.”

The document must be notarized and either faxed to the OCME Investigations Unit at (202) 698-9103 or emailed to [email protected].

English                            Amharic አማርኛ 

Chinese 中文                  French Français               

Korean 한국인                Spanish Español       

Vietnamese Tiếng Việt

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